ReImagine Health Hackathon 2019

The Theme:
The Theme of the Hackathon is Geriatrics with a focus on Visual, Aural, Oral & Dental, Urinary & Bowel issues and associated mobility issues. We invite you to join us in this endeavour through mentorship & participation.
The Event:
ReImagineHealth Hackathon 2019 is the ultimate MedTech hackathon with focus on Geriatric issues. A unique event where in all the stake holders viz, doctors, innovators, entrepreneurship advisors, regulatory & compliance consultants, social scientists, software developers, senior citizens all come together on July 6th, 7th & July 13th, 14th, the first two successive weekends of July 2019. An event where a culture of Innovation, Care, Quality, Viability and Sustainability with live interaction between all the stakeholders to develop prototypes from real time Requirements gathered.
The Reason:
At present India is young and it’s senior citizens are living longer. By 2030, the number of Senior Citizens may double & is going to be very large in absolute numbers. India as an emerging first world country needs to be ready to be able to provide technologically advanced and socially sustainable solutions to the needs of senior citizens so that the senior citizens continue to be independent, agile and enjoy their life to the fullest.
The Organiser:
MedTech & Geriatric Healthcare Technology Business Incubator at Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science (CPDMed TBI, IISc) with support of Govt of Karnataka (GoK, KTech) for incubating new Startups is involved in innovation and facilitates early commercialization of the novel ideas, innovations and prototypes developed for the benefit of the Senior Citizens and the society at large.
Further details:
Innovative thinkers, Creative Designers, Hands-on Makers & Engineers, Students, Doctors and other Healthcare Professionals join together on a single platform to make medical device innovation a reality. A minimal fee of INR 500 is charged from the selected participants which covers access to all sessions, course material, basic kit and working lunch.