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IISC Design Thinking

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IISC Design Thinking

Design Thinking is the essential design process that can be applied across domains in order to bring ‘designerly ways of thinking’ in forming and solving problems.

There are many variants of design thinking; the talk will focus on ‘IISC Design Thinking’ –  a variant that has been developed and taught for the last two decades at the Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM), Indian Institute of Science for training its students studying Masters of Design .

CPDM is among the top three design schools of India, and is among the most research-intensive design schools in the world. The talk will discuss innovation and its major areas, and discuss how design thinking can be used as a systematic process with which to reduce the chances of failure of innovations.

DATE : AUGUST 26, 2020

TIME : 16 00 TO 17 30


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